Business Insurance in and around Elizabethtown
Calling all small business owners of Elizabethtown!
No funny business here
Cost Effective Insurance For Your Business.
Small business owners like you wear a lot of hats. From social media manager to marketing guru, you do whatever is needed each day to make your business a success. Are you a book publisher, a psychologist or an HVAC contractor? Do you own an ice cream shop, a bridal shop or a shoe store? Whatever you do, State Farm has small business insurance to cover it.
Calling all small business owners of Elizabethtown!
No funny business here
Customizable Coverage For Your Business
You are dedicated to your small business like State Farm is dedicated to dependable insurance. That's why it only makes sense to check out their coverage offerings for surety and fidelity bonds, business owners policies or artisan and service contractors.
With over 300+ businesses eligible to be insured by State Farm, look no further for your business coverage needs. Agent Lance Taylor is here to help you discover your options. Visit today!
Simple Insights®
Retirement plans for small business owners to consider
Retirement plans for small business owners to consider
Offering a retirement plan, including a SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA or a 401k, is a great way for a small business to attract and retain employees.
Tips for tenant screening
Tips for tenant screening
Screening tenants is your key to success. Find out how to check tenant credit reports and perform a background check.
Lance Taylor
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Retirement plans for small business owners to consider
Retirement plans for small business owners to consider
Offering a retirement plan, including a SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA or a 401k, is a great way for a small business to attract and retain employees.
Tips for tenant screening
Tips for tenant screening
Screening tenants is your key to success. Find out how to check tenant credit reports and perform a background check.